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Showing posts from May, 2021

Top 10 penny stocks in 2024

  Top 10 Penny Stocks in 2024 Penny stocks are typically associated with companies that have small market capitalizations, limited liquidity, and higher volatility. It's essential to conduct thorough research and consider consulting with a financial advisor before investing in penny stocks. Additionally, the performance of penny stocks can fluctuate significantly, and what may seem like a promising investment today could become highly volatile or even worthless in the future. That said, I can provide a list of penny stocks that have shown potential in 2024 based on various factors such as market trends, industry performance, and company developments. However, please remember that investing in penny stocks carries inherent risks, and these suggestions should not be considered as financial advice.  What are Penny Stocks? Penny stocks, typically defined as stocks trading at a low price per share, often garner attention from investors seeking high-risk, high-reward opportunities. ...

Growth Techniques

                                                                     Growth Techniques                                                                                               THANK YOU




  GREAT     THOUGHT                                                                                                                                    THANK YOU 


 INSPIRATION                                                                                   THANK YOU


FEEL  THE GRATITUDE                                                            THANKS  FOR   READING 


  HUMAN           NATURE                                                                    THANKS FOR  READING

Ingredients Of Human Body

  Ingredients   Of   Human   Body                                                                                                                            Thank you 


                       LOVE    IS            LOVE                                                                                                                                  THANK YOU

Life change

 Life change                                                                                                                            Thank you  

उपभोगवाद की हकीकत

उपभोगवाद की हकीकत इन पांच लघु कहानी से समझे 1. सर में भयंकर दर्द था सो अपने परिचित केमिस्ट की दुकान से सर दर्द की गोली लेने रुका। दुकान पर नौकर था, उसने मुझे गोली का पत्ता दिया , तो उससे मैंने पूछा गोयल साहब कहाँ गए हैं , *तो उसने कहा साहब के सर में दर्द था ,* *सो सामने वाली दुकान में कॉफी पीने गये हैं।* अभी आते होंगे! मैं अपने हाथ मे लिए उस दवाई के पत्ते को देखने लगा.? 2. माँ का ब्लड प्रेशर और शुगर बढ़ा हुआ था , सो सवेरे सवेरे उन्हें लेकर उनके पुराने डॉक्टर के पास गया। क्लिनिक से बाहर उनके गार्डन का नज़ारा दिख रहा था , जहां डॉक्टर साहब योग और व्यायाम कर रहे थे। मुझे करीब 45 मिनिट इंतज़ार करना पड़ा। कुछ देर में डॉक्टर साहब अपना नींबू पानी लेकर क्लिनिक आये , और माँ का चेक-अप करने लगे। उन्होंने मम्मी से कहा आपकी दवाइयां बढ़ानी पड़ेंगी , और एक पर्चे पर करीब 5 या 6 दवाइयों के नाम लिखे। उन्होंने माँ को दवाइयां रेगुलर रूप से खाने की हिदायत दी। बाद में मैंने उत्सुकता वश उनसे पूछा कि... क्या आप बहुत समय से योग कर रहे हैं.? तो उन्होंने कहा कि... *पिछले 15 साल से वो योग कर रहे हैं ,* ...

The Best Way to Gratitude

  The Best Way to Gratitude                                                                Thank You

Happy with Your Better Half

                                    Happy with Your Better Half Thank you

How to prevent your Diabetes

                                How to prevent your Diabetes   Today, there are at least 200+ million people suffering and living from diabetes in everyday life around the globe and the sad part is that it is possible to prevent and heal pre-diabetes and diabetes type 2 naturally with balanced nutrition and basic exercise.  People at risk of getting the disease drop by a staggering 60 percent if they manage to lose just 10 pounds by following a healthy diet and engage in regular exercise such as walking, according to a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine. (May 3, 2001). Pre-diabetes This term means that you are at risk for getting type 2 diabetes and also heart disease. The good news is if you have pre-diabetes you can reduce the risk of getting diabetes type 2 and even return to normal blood glucose levels if you follow the guidelines in this article. In Type 2 diabetes They ar...

Benefits of Resveratrol for Type 2 Diabetes

          Benefits of Resveratrol for Type 2 Diabetes   Nowadays Resveratrol is not new, scientists have been studying its effects for many years. Resveratrol is known for its ability to protect plants from bacteria and fungi, while previous research has also found it helps prevent the negative effects of high-calorie diets and has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer potential. So As a cancer preventer, resveratrol is most effective in studies when it comes in direct contact with cancer, such as skin cancer or gastrointestinal tumors. If you do drink, switching to red wine might be a healthier option than other forms of alcohol, but if you don’t drink,  resveratrol is not a reason to start. As per the view of  A novel group of drugs that target a gene linked to longevity could provide a way to turn back the clock on the diseases of aging. Resveratrol has also been reported to act as a sirtuin activator, and this property has been proposed to accoun...