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Showing posts from October, 2020

Top 10 penny stocks in 2024

  Top 10 Penny Stocks in 2024 Penny stocks are typically associated with companies that have small market capitalizations, limited liquidity, and higher volatility. It's essential to conduct thorough research and consider consulting with a financial advisor before investing in penny stocks. Additionally, the performance of penny stocks can fluctuate significantly, and what may seem like a promising investment today could become highly volatile or even worthless in the future. That said, I can provide a list of penny stocks that have shown potential in 2024 based on various factors such as market trends, industry performance, and company developments. However, please remember that investing in penny stocks carries inherent risks, and these suggestions should not be considered as financial advice.  What are Penny Stocks? Penny stocks, typically defined as stocks trading at a low price per share, often garner attention from investors seeking high-risk, high-reward opportunities. These

Networking & Connections

  Connection And Network Today In any business, as usual in life, we can’t go it alone. It’s said that none of us are islands, but if we were each of us form a vast and interconnected archipelago. Bridges and boats stream traffic between all these islands and that traffic is largely information. If you cut yourself off from this flow of information, either purposely or by mistake, you do so at your own peril. Why? Because the island next to you is going to take those connections and the information they provide and use it to his or her advantage.  Networking is an essential element of every successful business. It provides you with contacts, leads, clients, partners, suppliers and much more. It carries your name and your business reputation further and more efficiently than most advertising. Most importantly, it is an endless source of profit, ideas, collaboration, and support. If you are networking, you should do more. If you’re not networking, you need to start. If you don’t network,

Net Asset Value

म्यूच्यूअल फंड (Mutual Fund)   में क्या एनएवी ( Net Asset Value  )  है  ? यह समझना आपके लिए बहुत आवश्यक है यदि आप Mutual Fund  म्यूचुअल फंड  में निवेश करना चाहते हैं.  जो लोग सीधे तौर पर Share Bazar शेयर बाजार में निवेश नहीं करना चाहते हैं अथवा उन्हें शेयर बाजार की जानकारी नहीं है वे लोग Mutual Fund म्यूच्यूअल फंड में निवेश कर सकते हैं. Mutual Fund म्यूचुअल फंड में निवेश करने से आपका निवेश विशेषज्ञों के हाथ में रहता है और इस प्रकार आप शेयर बाजार में सीधे निवेश के रिस्क को कम कर सकते हैं.  आज हम यहाँ सीखेंगे कि Mutual Fund म्यूच्यूअल फंड में NAV क्या होता है, इसको कैसे गिनते हैं और इसका क्या महत्व है ।   कैसे गिनते हैं Net Asset Value ? सीधे सीधे शाब्दिक अर्थ करें तो Net Asset Value, या NAV का अर्थ है कुल संपत्ति का मूल्य. किसी भी Mutual Fund म्यूचुअल फंड में नेट एसेट वेल्यू , या एनएवी का मतलब  नकदी सहित पोर्टफोलियो के सभी शेयरों के बाजार मूल्य के कुल योग में से देनदारियों को घटाने के बाद बकाया जो भी बचे उसे इकाइयों की कुल संख्या से विभाजित करके प्राप्त किया जाता है । प्रतिदिन की जाती ह