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Top 10 penny stocks in 2024

  Top 10 Penny Stocks in 2024 Penny stocks are typically associated with companies that have small market capitalizations, limited liquidity, and higher volatility. It's essential to conduct thorough research and consider consulting with a financial advisor before investing in penny stocks. Additionally, the performance of penny stocks can fluctuate significantly, and what may seem like a promising investment today could become highly volatile or even worthless in the future. That said, I can provide a list of penny stocks that have shown potential in 2024 based on various factors such as market trends, industry performance, and company developments. However, please remember that investing in penny stocks carries inherent risks, and these suggestions should not be considered as financial advice.  What are Penny Stocks? Penny stocks, typically defined as stocks trading at a low price per share, often garner attention from investors seeking high-risk, high-reward opportunities. These

What Will Happen to Me

                                           What Will Happen to Me

There was a learned monk who stayed away from worldliness. He was famous for his honesty, service, and knowledge. Once he set out on a long journey by water ship.

He retained enough money and a diamond to spend the journey. This diamond was presented to him by a king, pleased with his honesty, so he was doing this journey only to keep it with him and not give it to another king.

During the journey, the monk was identified with other passengers. They kept telling them things of knowledge. A fakir traveler grew closer with the intention of degrading them.

One day, in the talks, the sadhu took him as a confidant of the faithful Allah and showed him a glimpse of the diamond. That faq got more greed.

He planned to grab that diamond. When the monk slept at night, he found a diamond in his bag and his clothes but he could not find it.

The next day, at lunch, he told the monk that there is such a precious diamond, you have kept it safe. The monk came out of his bag and showed that look, it is kept in it. Faqir was surprised to see the diamond, why he did not get it last night.

Thinking that I will try again tonight, he cut the day and pretended to sleep soon after dusk, after putting his clothes on, keeping the same, health is not good. 

When the sadhus came to the room after the evening prayer worship, they found Faqir sleeping. Thought health is not good today, so Faqir must have fallen asleep without praying. They also took off their clothes and bag and hung up.

In the middle of the night, Faqir got up and then saw the sage's clothes and bag and dusted it. He did not get the diamond again.

The next day, with a sad heart, the fakir asked the monk -

"This precious diamond is kept in your hands or not, Sadhubaba, there are many thieves here".

The monk then opened his bundle and showed him the diamond.

Now the question which was in the mind of the troubled Faqir, he told the monk openly, he asked the monk that-

"I look for this diamond in your clothes and bag for the last two nights but I can't find why, where does this diamond go at night.

The monk told- "I know you are hypocrites, your intention was bad on this diamond and you used to try to steal it every night in the dark, so for the last two nights I would hide my diamond in your clothes and sleep. Was and used to take it back as soon as you woke up in the morning "

My knowledge says that a person does not seek a new peep inside himself. In the second, everyone sees demerits and defects. You also did not grope your clothes. "

Hearing this in the fakir's mind, more jealousy and envy arose. That mind started thinking of taking revenge from the sage. He lay awake all night and made a plan.

In the morning he started shouting loudly, 'Hi I died. One of my precious diamonds was stolen. He started crying.

The ship's staff said, 'Why are you nervous. He, who might have stolen will be here only. We search one by one. He will be caught. '

Passengers' search began. When Sadhu Baba's turn came, the staff and passengers of the ship said to him, 'What should you search for? It is wrong to mistrust you. '

Hearing this, the monk said, 'No, whose diamond has been stolen, there will be doubt in his mind, so let me also be searched.'

Baba was searched. Nothing was found from them.

When the journey was over after two days, the same Faqir asked the sadhu with a sad heart, 'Baba, I had also torn my clothes this time, you had the diamond, where did it go?'

The sadhu smiled and said, 'I threw him out into the water.

The monk asked - you want to know why? Because I had earned only two virtues in life - one is honesty and the other is people's trust. If I had received a diamond from me and I would have told people that it is mine, then probably not everyone would believe that the monk would have a diamond. Even if I believed because of the sat karma of my past, I still have some faith in my honesty and truth People's doubt remains.

"I can lose money and diamonds but don't want to lose honesty and integrity, this is the virtue that will go with me." The fakir apologized to the monk and wept on his feet.


                                       HAVE A GREAT DAY


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