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Showing posts from April, 2021

Top 10 penny stocks in 2024

  Top 10 Penny Stocks in 2024 Penny stocks are typically associated with companies that have small market capitalizations, limited liquidity, and higher volatility. It's essential to conduct thorough research and consider consulting with a financial advisor before investing in penny stocks. Additionally, the performance of penny stocks can fluctuate significantly, and what may seem like a promising investment today could become highly volatile or even worthless in the future. That said, I can provide a list of penny stocks that have shown potential in 2024 based on various factors such as market trends, industry performance, and company developments. However, please remember that investing in penny stocks carries inherent risks, and these suggestions should not be considered as financial advice.  What are Penny Stocks? Penny stocks, typically defined as stocks trading at a low price per share, often garner attention from investors seeking high-risk, high-reward opportunities. ...

जीवन मे सफल होना है तो ये वे वाक्यों को कचरे के डिब्बे मे डाल दो,

जीवन मे सफल होना है तो ये वे  वाक्यों को कचरे के डिब्बे मे डाल दो, 1. लोग क्या कहेग़े 2. मुझसे नही होगा 3. अभी मेरा मूड नही है और 4. मेरी तो किस्मत ही ख़राब है। 5. मेरे पास समय नहीं हैं  । ये वे  वाक्य है जो आदमी को आगे नही बढने देते।  Why  Worry  When  Where You Have HARI?  चलो,  उठो,  आगे बढ़ो। क्यों सुस्त पडेे हो ।  जॊ पाना है उसे पाने के लियें पूरी ताकत झोक दो।  आपको आगे बढ़ने से कोइ नही रोक सकता। धन्यवाद और हार्दिक सम्मान

A Good New Creative Thoughts

  A Good  New Creative Thoughts  Always Good   New thoughts can come from taking a new perspective on things. One way to do that is to challenge the assumptions that exist. For example, is love really a feeling of desire or attachment? This is a common assumption, but what if we challenge this?  A Good New Thoughts For Love and affections   Today Desire and attachment can be strong feelings, and they are often called love in certain contexts. However, attachment can be for bad reasons too, right? Desire too can come from less than noble places. What is an alternative definition of love? How Ever about recognition of value? Seeing the inherent value in a person, like the beauty you see in a painting or hear in a melody. You do not need to be attached or even desirous of beauty to enjoy it. You just have to recognize it. The enjoyment that you take in another’s existence could be a definition of love. At least the emotion. Love is more pow...

How To Improve Your Customer Loyalty

  How To Improve Your  Customer Loyalty   Statistically, Surveys Reveals that, on average,  companies lose half of their customers every five years. This is true that acquiring new customers will help your business grow. However, your current customers are the lifeblood of your business, and keeping them happy should be your highest priority. Here are a few ways to make sure your customers keep coming back. * We lost customers. Many business owners mistakenly believe that customers choose to patronize other companies solely because of better prices. While pricing can be a concern, customers often head to the competition when they don’t feel valued. A change rapidly in lifestyle may have also created a situation where customers no longer need your product. By staying in touch with their needs, you might be able to adjust your offering to continue servicing them. * Try to Know your customer’s top priority. This may be reliability or speed or cost. Your company sho...

दूध में तुलसी डालकर पीने के फायदे

  दूध में तुलसी डालकर पीने के फायदे    1 दमा के मरीजों के लिए यह उपाय फायदेमंद है। खास तौर से मौसम में बदलाव होने पर होने वाली सांस संबंधी समस्याओं से बचने के लिए दूध और तुलसी का यह मिश्रण बेहद लाभकारी होता है। 2 सि‍र में दर्द या माइग्रेन की समस्या होने पर यह उपाय आपको रोहत देगा। जब भी माइग्रेन का दर्द हो आप इसे पी सकते हैं, रोजाना इसका सेवन करने से आपकी समस्या भी खत्म हो सकती है। 3 तनाव अगर आपके जीवन का भी अभिन्न अंग बन गया है, तो दूध में तुलसी के पत्तों को उबालकर पिएं, आपका तनाव दूर होगा और धीरे-धीरे तनाव की समस्या ही समाप्त हो जाएगी। 4 हृदय की समस्याओं में भी यह लाभदायक है। सुबह खाली पेट इस दूध को पीने से हृदय संबंधी रोगों में लाभ पाया जा सकता है। इसके अलावा यह किडनी में होने वाली पथरी के लिए भी अच्छा उपचार है। 5 तुलसी में कैंसर कोशिकाओं से लड़ने का गुण होता है, अत: इसका सेवन आपको कैंसर से बचा सकता है। इसके अलावा सर्दी के कारण होने वाली सेहत समस्याओं में भी यह कारगर उपाय साबित होगा। धन्यवाद

Forex Currency Trading

                                                      Forex Currency Trading You can develop into a better and more profitable trader by applying some of the more imperative forex currency trading rules consistently with an appropriate amount of discipline. There are few principles that can help to perk up your chances of success if they are understood, practiced, and implemented in your trading on a regular basis and these rules have been learned in the trenches, mostly through testing and scrutinizing the common mistakes nearly every trader makes when starting out in the forex currency trading business. The first step is to set up and apply specific goals and objectives. The majority of forex traders who often find themselves on the losing end of trade make the same common and recurring mistakes. Most forex traders don’t have a clear direction, never ...

Positive things will Happens

  Thanks for the Readings Have a  Wonderful  and Great Time  ahead. 

Activities Based on Art

          Activities  Based on   Art Today A recent report by several independent Experts concludes that  participating in the arts nurtures the development of social, personal, and cognitive  skills. Programs based on Arts can improve academic achievement  and decrease the tendency towards delinquency. It helps youth form  positive attitudes about themselves and build self-esteem. Though the Arts based programs involve communication, interpretation, and understanding of  complex symbols, much like mathematics and languages. Thus it fosters  higher-order analytical skills and skills of evaluation and synthesis. So Many of the programs make the child regularly use multiple skills thus  making him dynamic and versatile. The  Development of imagination, judgment, and philosophy are fringe benefits of  an arts-based activity. As opposed to the short 45-minute duration of the  art classes at school, th...

Initiative of Affiliate Marketing

   An Initiative of Affiliate Marketing  of Easiest Ways For Entrepreneurs  With the help the aid of the Internet, everything is right at our fingertips With a few clicks, we get access to thousands and even millions of pieces of information and data on virtually any field of Urs interest. As years pass by, the Internet continuous to effect radical changes in many facets of human endeavors, including commerce. Experts say that the information space, commonly known as the “worldwide web,” grows by over a million pages every day as more and more people utilize the Internet for information, education, entertainment, business, and other personal reasons. It doesn’t take a business-oriented individual to realize that this phenomenon can bring about sky-high financial gains. The Internet’s fast-growing popularity in recent years is surely an opportunity for business that any entrepreneur would not want to miss. We are going to be thinking only businessmen can make a lot of...